Sep 17, 2021
Are you feeling overwhelmed with your workload and considering delegating some of your tasks but not quite sure where to even start? Here are some handy tips on how to find your virtual angel aka virtual assistant who will ease your pain and help you grow your...
May 19, 2021
Too much to do, not enough time? Sounds familiar? Are you solopreneur, small business owner who is wearing many hats in your business? You are the CEO, Secretary, Events Manager, Marketing Manager, Graphic Designer, Accounts Clerk and after all that, you are also a...
Apr 19, 2021
Us humans are visual creatures. We act on what we see. We eat with our eyes, we buy clothes that look good on us. We just can’t help ourselves and often go for things that are well presented and look good. Images are there to make us choose and decide. They are there...
Mar 19, 2021
With the current Corona virus outbreak and recommendations to self-isolate, working from home may become more and more common practice among businesses. As with any change, some find it hard to adopt but some are willing to embrace it and give it a go. Who knows, they...
Feb 19, 2021
I initially thought about becoming a virtual assistant a few years ago but then I got a new exciting job and I continued working full time. Last year I revisited the idea, did a quick course and joined the network of other like-minded people out there on this journey....